Thursday, January 30, 2014

The King is Coming!!

He has so close to the throne. He no longer needs Congress and his mind and heart exceed a piece of outdated pulp, known as the Constitution! Why not a monarchy for us. No more politics dragging down what HE knows is right for everyone. We cannot even hope to know what he knows.

He was a Constitutional Attorney. He knows its flaws and shortcomings. Trust him. he would never hurt any of us. he is sort of like... like... Jesus. Don't you think so? He cares for the little people. He would never hang out with wealthy people. He probably doesn't even cash his paycheck. he just wants the little people to have what the big people have. He sees the evil in people having too much. I agree. I don't think any of you should have more than I have. I think you should want to give me some of yours. Whats wrong with people who won't do that? Well, trust me, he is going to take it away from the selfish and give to the little people. the ones who just didn't get the breaks that rich people got. Some of them went to school and paid their own way. Doesn't that make you suspicious? It does me! Some worked their way to the top. I am suspicious of that too. I could have but during the 60's I wanted to smoke dope and hang out. Why should I be punished for partying? Because some geek got rich and didn't party or waste a little bit of time? No way! That is just NOT fair. And fair is all that matters! Right has nothing to do with anything. Fair does though\!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Chosen! we are and those awful Republicans are distorting the facts and saying awful things about this wonderful man. So maybe he doesn't have his facts straight. Don't you mortals understand that even the gods have bad days? Our president is above mere truth. He is on a level that mortals cannot even dream to attain. Truth? Just what IS the truth? Facts? Who's facts? The facts that matter are the ones he chooses to share with his children. 
 Questioning him is akin to trying to stop  the flow of a mighty river! To re-route it's course, to doubt it's presence and power! It is because , well, it IS! Those who question or doubt him are bigoted, racist and un-American! He is the source! Can you even begin to understand?

Monday, December 21, 2009

Change We Can Believe In!

Can you imagine what a Conservative would do with this!

Friday, December 11, 2009

He Won! Hope Abounds!

YEAH! He won and hope and change and all of that is at hand! I cannot believe I wanted that lady to win, what was I thinking? The Republican guy is sort of sad next to him. He is a war hero and to tell you the truth he is not a real Republican. You can tell by what he has done as a Senator. He liked to poke bad George in the eye from time to time. The television people used to love him too, like the lady who brought me to the Village. They dumped him just as fast as they dumped her. The young man from Illinois took their places. He has the highest IQ of anybody who has ever run for office. He has passed more laws and done more good than any other candidate. He rose to prominence in the crookedest state in America, but walked above all of that and was never involved in those dealings. He has a vision for new hope and change for us. I THINK HE KEPT ALL OF IT A SECRET SO OTHER POLITICIANS WON’T STEAL HIS IDEAS! He wants to surprise us. Republicans who already hate black people and change try to make fun of this. Well, we trust him. And no one who speaks like him would lie to the voters. He embodies all that is good and pure and holy in America. His wife is like that too and so are his children. They make us feel good and have good thoughts. They are against evil things and only want to help people on Main Street. Isn’t that cool! He is the people's President and not a regular politician. No other candidate has ever loved his wife like he loves his wife. I think soon, not only schools and roads will be named after them, but also churches and other holy things. Every decision he makes will be the right decision. Every law or bill he signs will be the perfect bill and the perfect law. Every speech he makes leaves me feeling safe and secure. He knows that most of us need help and understanding. He sees the big picture! He had to be elected. The TV and radio people who don’t like him pick at small stuff. For instance, just what is the change you are talking about? He does not have to tell them anything. They are just trying to trap him, trick him, and make something ugly out of this beautiful time. They want it all ugly and plain. We don’t care about details we only care about his words.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


They love us little people. I bet they would let us live with them if they could. They have a lot of houses but not enough room. I just wish all the Kennedy’s would get jobs. No, not like us, they are special! You know what I meant! I am getting one of my headaches. Talking about facts will do that to me every time. Hey, I feel like an actor saying all the smart stuff I just said. Wait, I am telling my son, the one who wants to be a professional skateboarder. You should hear him laugh. Especially after I said I was smart. Being a father makes me feel good at times like this. He is calling his friends to tell them what I said. I think he must be very proud! I can even hear his sister laughing now; this is good quality family time.
I have been watching the debates. I have a headache. I cannot understand the answers so it must be that the moderator can’t ask questions. The nice lady who was supposed to win easily seems surprised. She keeps talking about his lack of experience but he keeps winning! I make believe I understand all of it when my son asks me what is going on. After I tell him he does this snorting thing and then he calls his uncle. He said he is not laughing and I believe him. He is going to be a professional skate boarder. The Republican guys are dull. They don’t want change you can tell. They want business’s to grow and they want to cut taxes. That isn’t change! We don’t know what it is, but we know what it isn’t, that is for sure! That young man from Illinois makes me feel good. Feeling good is important. Especially since we need help and he knows it. We are like children and the government is like mom and dad. See! I said that earlier about the Village, do you remember? Most of us are really not very important and never will be. Us parents know that. So we need someone to take care of us. Most of us will never be rich, it takes too much effort. Only a few can be Kennedy’s so that door is closed too. The Village leaders know we are not very smart and will never do much. We cannot be trusted with a lot of decisions or money. They really do know best. The wealthy people and big corporations only supply jobs. I kind of like the security of having things given to me. If you think about it and if all of us had the same things then all of us would feel good. I mean how much money does a person really need? You should have to give some of it to everybody else it is only fair. I like fairness. I feel better when everything is fair. I feel better about me. I don’t feel so bad about the things I have done, bad decisions or missed opportunities. Wealth can be shared and it hurts nobody.
Those people have more money than they need anyway. They would just buy a private jet or some dumb thing like that. They may buy boats and cars or whatever. All that does is cause some people on the job to have to work overtime! Well, yes those people would make more money but how does that help me? See what I mean about fairness? I have a headache, some of that made me think and I never like doing that. Please, I beg you. And Buddha, or Reverend Moon or any other god who will listen! I am sobbing as I type! I would be happy if after he is elected we never, never, never have another election! He can be our President forever! History is going to be made. I drink in every moment, every word, I watch every speech (Thank you for my Tivo and DVR!). I am on the phone constantly asking people to vote for him. I am sending him money and have missed three mortgage payments because this is more important than some dumb house payment to a greedy mortgage company! I am stealing yard signs that have the Republican guys name on it. I make fake phone calls pretending to be some well-known Republican who secretly backs my guy! I would do anything for him. Anything, is that clear?
ANYthing! To work for him or to be close to him, what is that like! The future of the world itself depended on this one moment in time. I cannot imagine an America without him! I will work for him; I would steal money to send to him if I had to! I would have lied or cheated and voted five times if I had to, that is how important this was! Oh God please, please, please don’t let him lose. That Governor from Alaska, why did they have to pick her! What if people like her more? She is young and pretty and that is not good. I did not expect this to happen, this is bad! I can’t breathe. But…he will know what to do.You know it occurred to me that he does not have much experience. He hasn’t been in the Senate very long either. But you know, that is kind of cool if you think about it. We can grow and learn together! And so what IF he makes a few mistakes? What’s the worst that can happen? Maybe we blow up an aspirin factory or some business’s close. We need to be liked again I think, don’t you? Isn’t it important that say, the French, like us again? If we are nice, like him, the terrorists won’t come. They will see him and his wife and they will know we don’t have to be bombed. We are changed; we embody hope and that is all they want too. They just want us to be nice and then they will be nice too. All we need to do is let them hear his voice and listen to his words! When he sits down and talks to them they will all hug and then everything will be okay. World peace will come to us in his shadow! No more pollution! Pure air! No more hurricanes devastating the coast. No child starving in Iowa! No home torn from the grasp of a family who could not afford the mortgage payments they took out! Homeless men and illegal immigrants walking hand in hand, unafraid of arrest! Not one more worker killed on the job because some company bought a private jet instead of a safety device that would have saved his life!
The hundreds of bridges near collapse, the highways that are seconds from being sinkholes will be fixed. No more coal billowing its smoky death into our air! No more incandescent bulbs raping our planet! No more SUV’s or Mini-vans condemning Mother Earth to a barren existence! Not another tree torn from its ancient roots! Stem cell research that will cure diseases, gleaned from an apple of all things! I repeat, for the second time, duh, it’s only an apple stupid! Each of us having what we deserve regardless of whether we work for it! Fairness! Taking money from people who have plenty and can afford it! I am so excited as Election Day grows near. America is about to change and it is about time. I don’t exactly know what is going to happen. I just know it is past due!
He danced on TV. Did you see him move? Have you seen his smile? He plays basketball! His smile is so, so, words just fail me when I think of that smile!
He has got to win!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Political Insights from A Savvy Voter

It is getting close to the primaries. For you people who listen to talk radio that means we get to pick who runs for President. Yes, it is a little early but this election is the most important ever. And we might as well get it done. The lady who invited me to the Village is going to win the primary and then she will get elected President. After that all the problems we now face will be gone. She has been a U.S. Senator and if it wasn’t for the Republicans she could have already fixed everything. She is so smart! And she cares about us little people. I bet it would be fun to have her over for dinner. She is just like us! I think she would like it too. We have so much in common! I have men in my family who can’t keep their hands off other women either! I wish she could be President forever!
A nice young man from Illinois is running too. Bless his heart he should save his money. LOL, (that is a computer word!) but you have to admire him for trying! He doesn’t have much experience so that will keep him from getting elected. It will be good practice for him anyway and hopefully it will make his people proud, well half of them anyway. I mean he is part black. But I have a lot of black friends. Well not a lot, they do not seem to like this part of the country. Did that sound bad, “they”? Saying the right thing is very important and saying the wrong thing is easy too. In the Village words are watched very closely.
Hate speech will not be tolerated (hear that talk radio guys?). I hope “they” was okay! I am worried now, what if someone thinks I meant something bad? I am going to apologize just in case. We apologize for everything in the Village. From Christopher Columbus to bad George we can‘t apologize enough. Good thing is the Village leaders keep finding stuff for us to apologize about. They are so nice! They love everybody and spend all of their lives trying to make life better for the little people.
Surprise! The young man is winning. It is funny how things change. Some of the people who helped the Village lady, the one who knew everything? Well, they now think maybe she is NOT the smartest person anymore, he is! Oh you should listen to him talk. It is very exciting. He talks about change and boy do we need that! Oh, I don’t think I should have said boy, do you? What if people take it wrong and get offended. I wish I could take that back! I will write letters to everybody and apologize. Then we will all feel better. When a person feels guilty about the things they say or what they think that might offend other people that is good. We need to know what everybody is thinking!
He said no more business as usual in Washington. No more politics as usual. I know that gets said all the time but you can tell by how he says it that he really means it. He will appoint everyday people, people like us, to important jobs. I mean he did not say that, but that may be what he meant. What is so exciting is that he never says exactly what the changes will be, so you can make it whatever you like. That makes me feel good. It is like when you buy a lottery ticket with a huge payoff and you get to pretend how you feel, then they draw numbers and you lose. But you feel great for a little bit.
How people feel is more importanat than what they do. I pretend he just gave me a good job and he just wants me to be happy and loved. When he talks I get, well to be honest, a thrill runs up the back of my leg. I have a man-crush! There, I said it! I have talked to other men in the Village and they say that too. Then we get kind of quiet until one of us starts talking about football. Or we punch each other in the shoulder.
I feel a little bit sorry for the lady though. I mean she had this thing won! Now they make fun of her on television. They did not used to do that at all! I wonder if that hurt her feelings? The television people loved her so much, but not as much anymore. They did a television show about a woman once too and she was the President. I am sure it was just pretending, but you could think it was kind of about her. I bet that made her feel good. I worry about her but she does have a job to fall back on.
Hey, did you ever wonder what they do with their paychecks when they aren’t doing their regular jobs, but are running for President? I bet it all goes to charity! Well the Democrats for sure. They always want to give money to the needy. I think they would work for free to be honest. Just so they could help the little people! They are so good and pure. I don’t think Republicans do that. They are sort of mean and never want to help. I think that is the real reason we all pay taxes, because Republicans won’t share.
Look at Caroline Kennedy, a Democrat, who works for FREE! She wants kids to be smart and to be able to speak well, use proper English and sound intelligent. She is a role model who is probably a great speaker like her dad. I bet she gives a lot of her money away too. She has a lot that was given to her from her family. She didn’t have to work for it, so it is a good thing she isn’t one of those stingy Republicans! Maybe the young man from Illinois will give her a really important job to do. Won’t that be exciting to have another Kennedy helping us? I would love to hear her give a big long speech. Wouldn’t that be something to hear her speak for hours!
One of her cousins is very busy with global warming. He likes to do environmental stuff for all of us, so we will not walk outside and burst into flames. I am serious, that is how bad things are! Somebody wanted to put power generating windmills close to his house but that was a bad idea. I don’t know what was bad about it but if he said so then I believe it! You can believe all the Kennedy’s. They do not tell lies.