Monday, December 21, 2009

Change We Can Believe In!

Can you imagine what a Conservative would do with this!

Friday, December 11, 2009

He Won! Hope Abounds!

YEAH! He won and hope and change and all of that is at hand! I cannot believe I wanted that lady to win, what was I thinking? The Republican guy is sort of sad next to him. He is a war hero and to tell you the truth he is not a real Republican. You can tell by what he has done as a Senator. He liked to poke bad George in the eye from time to time. The television people used to love him too, like the lady who brought me to the Village. They dumped him just as fast as they dumped her. The young man from Illinois took their places. He has the highest IQ of anybody who has ever run for office. He has passed more laws and done more good than any other candidate. He rose to prominence in the crookedest state in America, but walked above all of that and was never involved in those dealings. He has a vision for new hope and change for us. I THINK HE KEPT ALL OF IT A SECRET SO OTHER POLITICIANS WON’T STEAL HIS IDEAS! He wants to surprise us. Republicans who already hate black people and change try to make fun of this. Well, we trust him. And no one who speaks like him would lie to the voters. He embodies all that is good and pure and holy in America. His wife is like that too and so are his children. They make us feel good and have good thoughts. They are against evil things and only want to help people on Main Street. Isn’t that cool! He is the people's President and not a regular politician. No other candidate has ever loved his wife like he loves his wife. I think soon, not only schools and roads will be named after them, but also churches and other holy things. Every decision he makes will be the right decision. Every law or bill he signs will be the perfect bill and the perfect law. Every speech he makes leaves me feeling safe and secure. He knows that most of us need help and understanding. He sees the big picture! He had to be elected. The TV and radio people who don’t like him pick at small stuff. For instance, just what is the change you are talking about? He does not have to tell them anything. They are just trying to trap him, trick him, and make something ugly out of this beautiful time. They want it all ugly and plain. We don’t care about details we only care about his words.