Thursday, January 30, 2014

The King is Coming!!

He has so close to the throne. He no longer needs Congress and his mind and heart exceed a piece of outdated pulp, known as the Constitution! Why not a monarchy for us. No more politics dragging down what HE knows is right for everyone. We cannot even hope to know what he knows.

He was a Constitutional Attorney. He knows its flaws and shortcomings. Trust him. he would never hurt any of us. he is sort of like... like... Jesus. Don't you think so? He cares for the little people. He would never hang out with wealthy people. He probably doesn't even cash his paycheck. he just wants the little people to have what the big people have. He sees the evil in people having too much. I agree. I don't think any of you should have more than I have. I think you should want to give me some of yours. Whats wrong with people who won't do that? Well, trust me, he is going to take it away from the selfish and give to the little people. the ones who just didn't get the breaks that rich people got. Some of them went to school and paid their own way. Doesn't that make you suspicious? It does me! Some worked their way to the top. I am suspicious of that too. I could have but during the 60's I wanted to smoke dope and hang out. Why should I be punished for partying? Because some geek got rich and didn't party or waste a little bit of time? No way! That is just NOT fair. And fair is all that matters! Right has nothing to do with anything. Fair does though\!

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